Monday, May 3, 2010

Mr. Fox is Fantastic!!!!!

Jack grabbed some kids movies from the library this weekend and I discovered a treasure: The Fantastic Mr. Fox!!!!!! Turns out the only thing kid-like that kept Max's attention was the moving animals and neat yellowish coloring, but the dialogue was definitely adult. My favorite scene is when Mr. Badger (played by Bill Murray) and Mr. Fox (played by George Clooney) get into an argument in Mr. Badger's lawyer office. They start growling and spitting at each other as they circle around and around. Watch this clip and pay attention to how Mr. Fox eats--Max has been duplicating it all weekend.


Kitty said...

I loved Fantastic Mr. Fox. I'm so happy you watched it. Baby Max is the cutest.

hugs hugs and more hugs,

Giuli said...

Max is starting to act out scenes in movies as we watch them. Yesterday he pretended to be Teetsy from Madagascar 2 and he was stomping around the house with a serious look on his face. Lots of laughs!

Lynley said...

looks totally fun. i will have to watch it this summer!
