Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Carnage

I'm changing the font to Georgia, well, because I am from that beautiful state!!!!!! Okay, unfortunately I was not brilliant enough to coin that unique phrase that I have named this post. It was invented by my sis, Lily, and turned into a death metal song by Jack. If only I knew how to record, then you would get to laugh hysterically too!!!! For now, just use your imagination to think of Jack screaming into his pretend microphone with distortion in the background . . . "CHRISTMAS C A R N A G E!!!!!!!!" If anyone has ever survived a Christmas with a two year old, mother-in-law, her husband, my sister, and four dogs--two of those being barky terriers, then you can imagine the scene. My favorite moment of the whole day was Max, jumping on his very large-fancy pants present from grandparents box, opening his very unexciting presents of CLOTHES from his parents, and throwing the clothes across the room while yelling "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!" I don't blame him. If I had my choice between a bicycle video game and cheaply made clothes from Mexico, I would definitely choose the first! What I love about Max is that he can act out exactly how he feels, and no one thinks that he is strange. They just say . . . "Oh, how cute!" If only a twenty six year old mother could run around the house screaming, "If one more dog poops on my floor, and Max doesn't let me pee in peace, I'm going to GO CRAZZZZZYYYYY!!!!!" (Imagine frenzied hair pulling and blood-shot eyes) But instead, I am eating comfort food like homemade cheesecake and watching Jane Austin movies. MMMMmmmm. There is nothing like unnecessary fat to make me feel better. . .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I just had my first two concerts of four this week. Last night's band concert was fabulous! I've got some squirrely ones in there, but they were able to buckle down and play pretty well. There were so many parents that there were'nt enough chairs for them all to sit in!!!! My mother in law was there, and she said that the only song that she recognized was "Mary Had a Little Lamb". I will consider that an improvement from last year!!!! One funny moment: after our first song, one of my trumpet players looks at me with a panicked look on his face and points to his horn, which is MISSING the mouthpiece!!! I had him run to the room and grab it and join us for the other songs. Talk about close call . . . it reminds me of when I had a festival performance in high school with a piccolo solo, and left my piccolo at home. Ha ha. Mr. Ryan still probably tells that story!!! It's my band Karma coming back to haunt me. It would be interesting to see if anyone else has some interesting brain fart stories . . .

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Helloooo out there!!!!

I'm not promising that my blog is going to be anywhere near as interesting as Lulu's, but I want to thank THE MOST FABULOUS BESTEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!! I have been lusting after a blog since I started following hers almost a year ago. Now I have joined the relm of many a mormon mom, but the difference is that I'm almost crazy busy with school, and LIFE. I'm commiting to keep you all updated on my sanity and post pictures, because we all know that you really want to be looking at my adorable son instead of me. Maybe during my two weeks of respite, I will post more than a few times. (If I can peel myself away from Max to type for a few minutes!) Love you all!!!!!!!!!!

Deck the halls of my new blog
Fa la la la la la la la la . . .

Friday, December 12, 2008


Well, I hope that this blog brings you a whole new realm of happiness.  I'm glad that now I can delve into your world just like you can delve into mine.  Please know that I love you so much, and I hope that you will let me know any way I can help or any way I can change your blog.

Merry Christmas, and you better post something soon!
